Nouveautés précédentes

Milano Design Week 2025

26 March 2025
Once again Cattelan Italia welcomes you to Milan Design Week 2025 for a journey into the world on contemporary design. Starting from April 5th, we invite you to discover the new 2025 Collection at our Flagship Store in Via Larga 23, located in the heart of Milan.
With a breathtaking view on Duomo, our Showroom reflects the company’s unwavering commitment to valuing the “Made in Italy”, blending material research, craftsmanship and innovation.

From April 8th to 13th, visit us at stand A15-B18, Pavilion 18, and immerse yourself in a fresh and captivating total living experience and be inspired by the novelties of our 2025 Collection.

The Salone del Mobile.Milano is an important recurrence to continue expressing our passion for design and modern living. In addition, this year we take the opportunity to showcase our new design vision, expanding into the world of upholstered furniture to offer an even wider complete range of modern sofas and stylish armchairs.
Milano Design Week 2025 preview

PRESS KIT 2024 Collection

15 April 2024
A new contemporary: this is the leitmotif of Cattelan Italia’s new collection, presented at the Milan Furniture Fair 2024.

In this edition, too, the brand is launching several new products on the global furniture market, dedicated to living and sleeping areas. These products are inspired by a common creative drive: the love of quality materials and Italian craftsmanship.
Among many novelties, a special mention to the new ceramic tables with monolith effect, a collection dedicated to the lounge area and three new design double beds.New marble-effect ceramic textures enhance each new design piece, together with hand crafted finishes.
PRESS KIT 2024 Collection preview

Milano Design Week 2024

10 April 2024
A decades-long tradition for Cattelan Italia, Milano Design Week is the time of the year to launch design novelties.

The new collection of design furniture for the living and sleeping areas will be presented at the most important furniture design fair, that will open its doors from 16th to 21st April 2024.

Among the novelties in store for Salone del Mobile 2024 there also is the the new location: Hall 18, stand A15-B18

Scan the QR code to open the map and find the new stand location.
This year we will also take part in the Fuorisalone with our new flagship store Cattelan Italia Milano in via Larga, 23
Come and visit us, you are welcome to the new home of Cattelan Italia in Milano.
Milano Design Week 2024 preview

Colosseo:our novelty ceramic 2024

11 March 2024
The main finish of the 2024 collection enhances the designer sculptural tables that are leading the Company among the key players in interior design. Not only dining tables, but also madie, scrivanie e tavolini vengono proposti nella nuova finitura in ceramica Colosseo.

The new decorative ceramic, as pure as it is majestic, draws inspiration from travertine marble, typical of central Italy and used since the ancient Romans. It is no coincidence that the name of this new ceramic refers to the most impressive monument of the time that has come down to us.

The Keramik collectionexpands with this new variant that ranges from milky white to walnut, punctuated by warm and soft nuances. Thanks to the most advanced precision techniques, the small cavities typical of the original stone are reproduced with a organic effect, slightly grainy to the touch.
The Colosseo ceramic will be launched at Salone del Mobile di Milano 2024, from 16 to 21 April and at the inauguration of the brand’s first flagship store, in Via Larga 23, which will take place during Milan Design Week.
Colosseo:our novelty ceramic 2024 preview

Our HQ showroom restyling

17 July 2023
The Cattelan Italia Company showroom is located in Carrè (VI) -Italy. It is a scenographic space of about 3,000 square metres, with rough concrete walls and 7-metre-high windows that allow a dialogue with the surrounding natural landscape. The Prealpi mountains of the Asiago plateau blend with the interior, furnished with the most recent proposals and iconic designer pieces which are constantly updated.

Just like the products, the exhibition venue is also constantly renewed. A major restyling was recently carried out involving the spaces, the arrangement of the furnishings and the decorative elements.

Discover the renovated showroom and get the inspiration from our finely curated sets for your next interior design project.
La nostra collezione nasce da necessità e in contesti precisi, ma ha le caratteristiche per durare una vita ed essere camaleontico.
If you are a professional and you would like to visit Cattelan Italia showroom, you can contact your agent or send an email to
Our HQ showroom restyling preview

PRESS KIT 2023 Collection

12 April 2023
With a slow-design approach, the new collection by Cattelan Italia invites you to linger on the details that really differentiate the products.

Dedicate time to welcome the sensations that come from unique forms and refined materials. Imagine each piece showcased in personalized settings.

Among the 2023 novelties, there are sculptural tables and complements, enriched by the match of natural and metallic finishes. Comfortable chairs are covered in colored leathers, inspired by red sands and rough rocks. Ultimately, we widen the organic Argile range to develop our idea of sustainable design.
Our collection has come into being from precise needs and contexts, but it has attributes to last a lifetime along with a remarkable versatility.
For more informations the Press can refer to:

PRESS OFFICE Cattelan Italia
PRESS KIT 2023 Collection preview

Salone del Mobile.Milano 2023

28 March 2023
The main Made in Italy design fair will be back in april 2023. As usual, Cattelan Italia will participate with new stunning proposals.
With a slow-design approach, we invite you to linger on the details that differentiate our products. Dedicate time to welcome the sensations that come from unique forms and refined materials. Imagine each piece showcased in personalized settings.
Among the 2023 novelties, there are sculptural tables and complements, enriched by the match of natural and metallic finishes. Comfortable chairs are covered in colored leathers, inspired by red sands and rough rocks. Ultimately, we widen the organic Argile range to develop our idea of sustainable design.
Our collection has come into being from precise needs and contexts, but it has attributes to last a lifetime along with a remarkable versatility.
The most iconic products and this year’s new arrivals will be presented from 18 April 2023 at the 61st edition of Milan Salone del Mobile. Cattelan Italia will be located, as usual, in Hall 10, stand A15-B18.
See you in Milan!
Salone del Mobile.Milano 2023 preview

PRESS KIT Hábitat Valencia fair

18 July 2022
From 20 to 23rd September we will attend Hábitat fair in Valencia, to present our new 2022 Collection. Download Cattelan Italia Press Kit to find out which products will be showcased to the international audience of the most important design fair in Spain.
Cattelan Italia new collection is designed to style a living space where balance and tranquility can be found. At the same time, home is conceived as the place where you can recharge with new energy and inspiration. For more informations the Press can refer to:

PRESS OFFICE Cattelan Italia
PRESS KIT Hábitat Valencia fair preview

Photogallery of Milan Salone del Mobile 2022

28 June 2022
The 60° edition of Milan design furniture fair was a success! Thanks to anyone who took the time to visit us during Milan design week. For all those who were not present, who appreciate and support our company every day, here is a gallery of photos of Cattelan Italia’s booth at Salone del Mobile.Milan 2022. You can download the book from the following link.
The photo book is a useful tool to have a look at every setting. It includes products’ details and finishes, along with every novelty presented during the fair. Discover finishes, compositions and pairings selected by our team of qualified designers, to enhance the new Cattelan Italia 2022 collection. With this tool we hope to give you advices and ideas for your interior design projects.
Photogallery of Milan Salone del Mobile 2022 preview

PRESS KIT 2022 Collection

06 June 2022
Cattelan Italia new collection was presented at Milan Salone del Mobile 2022. It is designed to style a living space where balance and tranquility can be found. At the same time, home is conceived as the place where you can recharge with new energy and inspiration.
For more informations the Press can refer to:

PRESS OFFICE Cattelan Italia
PRESS KIT 2022 Collection preview

Salone del Mobile.Milano 2022

23 May 2022
More than 3 years have passed since the last edition of Milan furniture fair and Cattelan Italia is looking forward to returning to the stage where the history of Made in Italy design is made. The 2022 collection by Cattelan Italia is designed to style a living space where balance and tranquility can be found. At the same time, home is conceived as the place where you can recharge with new energy and inspiration. It is a comfortable refuge to rediscover one’s emotional well-being. The collection presents a mix of soft and sinuous shapes, combined with contrasting geometric elements. Each design piece is enhanced by precious decorative details, delicately blending with design. The absence of excesses leaves room to fully appreciate natural materials and manual finishes. Two new variants of Marmi ceramic stand out among the newly added top finishes: Corcovado and Kaindy. However, the real star is the new Argile family of natural clays. The collection of glass tops evolves by adding the new CrystalMarble decorative artistic prints and the bronze Moonglass top. Finally, the new Pearl metal finish is intended for the legs of chairs and tables, to make them bright and ethereal. The Company also presents Senator, a monumental 4-meters table designed for offices and public spaces, and a wide range of comfortable chairs bringing comfort and well-being in the workplace Cattelan Italia designs welcoming and restoring spaces, infused with serenity and harmony. The collection is conceived to create a bond between the space and the people who live in it, giving value to everyday gestures. This includes taking care of your well-being by surrounding yourself with beauty, energy and aesthetic balance. You are invited to Milan, from June 7th to 12th, for a tour of our 2022 collection: Hall 10 | Stand A15 – B18
Salone del Mobile.Milano 2022 preview

Supersalone 2021, Salone del Mobile.Milano

30 August 2021
ON STAGE! Salone del Mobile di Milano is back, with an unprecedented format for 2021 edition, and so is our proposal which narrates the best of modern design furniture, our novelties and the unique Cattelan Italia style. From 5 to 10 September we invite you to visit us at Cattelan Italia stand A14, located in Hall 3, to discover our exceptional scenography. By accepting the challenge launched by architect Boeri, instead of the usual stand which recreates rooms and living spaces, Cattelan Italia stages a museum-like setting. The composition is inspired by a famous artwork by Kandinsky, in which the canvas is divided by shapes and colors like a rhythmic score, becoming a theater scenography. Cattelan Italia layered exhibition space allows you to appreciate the melody with an overall point of view only. The painter signs are replaced by the showcased furnishings, the background wall frames products and graphics altogether. The setting is to be admired as a whole, just like an artwork, in which the main subjects are the impactful novelty products, matched with the company iconic pieces, that allow to express the unique style and the great quality of Cattelan Italia. Watch the video
Supersalone 2021, Salone del Mobile.Milano preview

Nouvelle Collection 2020

05 October 2020
Il n’y a pas de design sans métamorphose: nous sommes fiers de vous présenter la NOUVELLE COLLECTION 2020. Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, notre engagement se concentre sur des détails non négligeables tels que les matériaux, les finitions et les formes dans une recherche continue de l’excellence manufacturière. La nouvelle collection compte 60 nouveaux produits et témoigne de notre capacité à coordonner les environnements avec éclectisme et originalité.
Nouvelle Collection 2020 preview

Nouvelle finition Brushed Grey

04 August 2020
Le design italien est dans les détails. Les traitements exclusifs donnent une brillance qui met en valeur la matière. Celle-ci est la nouvelle finition Brushed Grey. Nous vous avons promis beaucoup de nouveauté et nous voici avec une nouvelle finition, car le vrai mobilier de luxe est découvrir le meilleur. Aujourd’hui à la version Brushed Bronze s’ajoute le nouveau Brushed Grey. Nous avons voulu découvrir le design modern avec la lumière pour vous raconter d’un nouveau espace de vie précieux et unique comme vous même.
Nouvelle finition Brushed Grey preview

Nouveau CrystalArt 2020

03 August 2020
Nous vous avons promis des grandes nouvelles sous la signature de Cattelan Italia, les voilà ! Le désir de vous étonner est aussi fort que notre engagement à concevoir des solutions innovatrices et de design. Cette fois le protagoniste de l’ ameublement modern est le plateau en cristal et la magie de son éclat. Après le grand succès du CrystalArt en 2019, les plateaux de conception moderne en cristal s’habillent d’une nouvelle finition riche en nuances de couleurs. Maintenant, des veines chaudes caressent la surface en cristal du plateau et donnent couleur et âme au cristal. Touches de couleurs chaudes et nuances ambrées évoquent les chromies typiques de la terre et des immenses étendues montagneuses. Les suggestifs environnements de design et l’ameublement contemporain vous feront tomber amoureux au premier regard.
Nouveau CrystalArt 2020 preview
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